Message from Bob Moul
Entomological Society of Pennsylvania
The Nature Conservancy
South Mountain Audubon Society
Strawberry Hill Nature Center

For as long as I can remember, I have been fascinated by nature. Whether it be a spring thunderstorm, the sheer beauty of a wildflower or the graceful flight of an egret. As we hastily march through life attending to daily responsibilities, the wonders of Nature too often go unnoticed. When I retired several years ago, I decided to fulfill a long time desire to observe and document as many of Mother Nature's children as I could, and to share these special moments with those who are like minded. It is my hope that a visit to these web pages by a young child will stir their curiosity and incite them to search for, respect and conserve our natural heritage. Possibly others, too busy with the chores of the day, will take a few moments to browse these galleries and find solace in a butterfly. I hope you will bookmark this site and return often to join me as I continue to make new discoveries along the wooded path, in the whispering pines, on the banks of a serene lake or babbling brook and yes, even my back yard! I hope you enjoy your visit and if you have an extra minute, sign my Guest Book to let me know that you were here.
