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lorin niculae | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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charmaine borg 26-May-2013 10:40
Simply amazing work
ofer zilberstein27-Feb-2010 20:09
My name is Ofer from Idrael
I like your work very much.
You are a very talented photographer.
Guest 21-Apr-2009 08:44
Wonderful works!!!
radu 22-Aug-2008 10:12
Nu-mi vine sa cred ce am descoperit aici... SUPERB !
Reneneer12-Jul-2008 06:49
Keep up the fantastic work.
Andreea 08-Jul-2008 08:51
Lorin draga,
Am descoperit acum cateva zile minunata ta arta si impresionata am incercat sa te contactez .Pentru ca nu am gasit o adresa de mail azi am hotarat sa-ti scriu aici.Sunt o fana a bunului gust si a frumosului din orice domeniu, asa cum vei remarca urmarind ale mele slidshouwri(videouri) realizate de mine si postate pe YT...Am o surpriza pentru tine si sper sa te incante ceea ce vei vedea.Am incercat sa scriu linkul aici, dar nu-mi permite , de aceea te invit pe pagina mea de pe YT unde am postat un video.As fi dorit sa-ti cer inainte permisiunea asa cum am procedat si cu alti artisti, insa, repet, nu am gasit o adresa, iar muza inspiratiei ma presa:)Scrie asadar oceanflower2008 pe YT si vei ajunge la pagina mea:)
Astept replay!
Pana atunci numai de bine!
androne28-Apr-2008 08:50
Totul este foarte frumos
Guest 27-Feb-2008 05:16
Aceste fotografii imi aminteste de locurile copilariei mele si care nu ma impresioneaza prea mult pentru ca le cunosc foarte bine,dar doresc sa le revad mai ales ca m-am indepartat atit de mult de ele incit cred ca nu o sa le mai vad niciodata.Asta pentru ca traiesc intr-o lume care vede si vrea sa vada numai bani in fata ochilor,deci banii i-a "orbit".Am ramas totusi un romantic ,dar cu bani.G.Schinteie din sua.
oana si denis marguet 20-Feb-2008 18:20
de mult timp nu am mai vazut fotografii asa frumoase, multumim! oana si denis
Guest 21-Oct-2007 15:43
Exceptionale!Romania este o tara frumoasa,deosebit de frumoasa.Nasu.
Guest 21-Oct-2007 15:19
felicitari!fotografiile sunt foarte frumoase,chiar minunate.Nunu si Nicu
Erik 12-Oct-2007 00:40
Hi I added you to my blog.
Guest 29-Aug-2007 10:30
Créatif et inspiré. Très beau travail.
Bravo !
edwin11-Aug-2007 19:48
I search for Bucharest and found your gallery (will visit the city this fall). Enjoyed browsing through it. Thanks very much.
fogguy09-Aug-2007 02:07
Half way around this blue jeweled spec of elemental mater - a place we call Earth - a photographer captures what he heralds as 'The Joy of Light'. Blessings upon you my brother! Miracle of the Internet. I didn't know of you before a few moments ago. Google.
Your work is inspirational, Lorin. Please look me up - should your travels ever take you to San Francisco. Wellness to you -I look forward to seeing your images yet 'un-shot'.

Guest 14-Jun-2007 11:59
When I get photoshop and a new camera, I'm going to model my work after you.
Guest 03-May-2007 06:33
Dear Lorin,
You have so beautifuly photos in yours portfolio...Excellent my friend...Excellent work...Greetings from Montenegro...I will come back with pleasure...
Guest 11-Apr-2007 00:51
you have beautiful images. i love looking at your work. thank you for sharing.
david procter10-Mar-2007 03:39
Hello Lorin,
I've just heard of your via Lawrence and the six...sounds like a cult!
I've addaed you to my favourites and I'm going to take some serious time to go through your pictures.
kind regards
Guest 08-Mar-2007 08:43
I stumbled upon your pictures by chance and I'm so glad that I did.
Enrico Martinuzzi27-Dec-2006 11:21
What an impressive work! Every single shot is a piece of art. Bravo!
gerben 04-Dec-2006 12:43
I am in awe with most of your work! The B&W's of italy (the emotions gallery) is just incredible, and the nudes in motion is without a doubt brilliant! Thanx for such beauty and inspiration!
Guest 29-Nov-2006 19:49
I love yours pictures! Particulary your serie "This is not life" in b&w! I hope that someday I will be able to take pictures like this!
olivier bruning28-Nov-2006 08:49
Hi Lorin! I am glad to see new b&w from you again! I must say: seems you are in "the zone" , every one of your shots is spot on! keep it up,warm regards Olivier
Guest 14-Oct-2006 12:53
I so love so love 43308044 pic
Guest 14-Oct-2006 12:51
very good photo,I so Like loneliness photo
Guest 11-Sep-2006 16:51
I love your "eye", the way you look at things, capture them and comment them -with or without words.
Keep it up!
Guest 10-Sep-2006 06:39
Dear Lorin, I find your images deeply moving and beautiful. You have a true photographer's eye and are able to compose sparse, meaninful visions out of both ordinary and extraordinary subjects. I thank God there are artists like you in the world...I will keep coming back, thanks for your willingness to open your heart for us! -- Robert Baker
Tom Kinter 09-Sep-2006 21:20

I find you work amazing! I'm particlarly taken with your "Secret Memory of the Body" and all your Romania photographs--I'm very interested in your country and was there 2 years ago. I would like to ask you if I could use one of your photos of Castelul Bran in a Bran web gallery of mine

Thank you for your beautiful work!

ofer zilberstein02-Sep-2006 07:11
You have some wonderful photos.
Very good
Thanks... I enjoyed.
jaac28-Aug-2006 17:26
Lorin, many thx for the comments and votes, they are really much appreciated,
especially from a talented photographer as yourself. :-)

Your galleries are amazing, great vision.
I have added you to my favorites so i can cath up on what i have missed so
far and so not to miss what you do in the future.


Marius Nistor17-Aug-2006 20:46
Salut Lorin! Imaginile tale sunt absolut incredibile si ma bucur ca am avut sansa sa le admir!
Guest 21-Jul-2006 20:52
Very nice work!!! I will com back.
Thierry Lucas11-Jul-2006 21:43
Congratulations lorin.
Much artistic sensitivity in your galleries.
very interesting work.
Peter Chou29-Jun-2006 16:25
I enjoyed your creative vision very much! Thank you for sharing your work with us! 22-Jun-2006 10:11
Sehr schöne Bilder, Schone Seite überhaupt. 23-May-2006 15:37
Like the new look of the site. Lynton
Guest 11-May-2006 00:39

mersi Lorin !!
:)) Life is great ! Romania este o tara f frumoasa si are multe de oferit cu un potential foarte mare..
zth best !!
dan baciu 04-May-2006 09:08
TE SALUT, slt(r) Dan Baciu, arhitect prin bucuresti
Guest 20-Mar-2006 23:46
I enjoy viewing ur work!
Great job!
lorand19-Mar-2006 08:38
Thank you for your comment and message!
Ciao, Lorenzo
wert 10-Feb-2006 14:57
Nice, well done!
Guest 09-Feb-2006 15:05
very impressive work... so great to see such talent. I will enjoy coming back to visit.
Ciprian 08-Feb-2006 20:46
Salut Lorin
Cuvintele sunt de prisos la cele vazute in galeria ta! Sunt mut de uimire si admiratie
la imaginile surprinse de tine pe "pelicula"! Ma bucur ca hobby-ul tau reuseste sa arate lumii despre frumoasa noastra Romanie!Foarte frumos!
Guest 30-Jan-2006 15:12
excellent photos!!
Liked the colors and composition, everything!
what i see now, is really FANTASTIC
best regards,

Guest 29-Jan-2006 19:46
Lorin, Congratulations for your work. It is very unique.
João Pereira 28-Jan-2006 22:12
Dear lorin, we loved your galleries, mostly death_in_the_afternoon. Great!!! We are a typical restaurant in Vila Franca De Xira, Portugal, a city with a bullfighting tradition. We are about to celebrate 100 years and we loved to have exposed in our space your pictures from that gallery. If you agree, please send us printed photos or photo files with a 150 DPi resolution in exibition format. We will print them and make the exibition, hoping that you could come and visit us also. Hope to hear from you soon and keep up the good work, Best regards

Restaurante Cabeça De Toiro
R. Heróis Da Guerra Peninsular, nº17
2600-152 Vila Franca De Xira
+351 263 27 27 27
+351 913 407 010
Mirela 28-Jan-2006 20:35
Sincere Felicitari pentru superbele fotografii care le-ai expus de-a lungul unui an ,cele cu Muntii Carpati le-am aratat si colegilor care nu stiu prea mult despre Romania si au ramas foarte impresionati ! Congratulation again.
La Multi Ani! Silvia-Ioana !!!!
DENNIS 21-Jan-2006 17:06
Loved your pictures of both Bucarest and teh Carpathian Mountains ("Cold MOuntain").
They have given me renewed interest in visiting Romania. My wife's parents come from there, and she has always expressed a desire to visit...
Tks for the lovely shots.
simone21-Jan-2006 11:28
Hi Lorin,
Many thanks for your message on my galleries, and thanks for sharing yours beautiful images, too.
Richard Calmes16-Jan-2006 23:48
Your photos of your wife are fantastic! I am Richard Calmes' wife, and I love dance beyond all else! Your wife is very talented and so are you!
Besati10-Jan-2006 05:15
Dear Lorin,

Many thanks for visting my galleries and leaving your very kind comments. I have been very busy since September because my house was under renovation, and I didn't have time to comment on other pbasers' work. I have just moved back before Christmas and now have unpacked and reorganised over 40 boxes of stuffs. Now I can start looking for inspirations from the list of my favorites:) My work is mostly biased on the technical side and I am always admire your artistic work. Every time I come back, I feel refreshed.
charissa herbst 06-Jan-2006 20:54
Dear Lorin
I love your photo's of your children catching the shadows on the walls. It almost looks like they are touching angels! Really beautiful!
I would like to know if I can use a photo for my website which is currently under construction. I have started up a non- profitable organization called International Business for children. We create various business units that generate finances. ALL profits that are generated by these business units goes towards financing projects that are directly involved in children, taking care of their direct needs such as food, clothing, education, medical and play. (Our first project is South Africa, where we are currently taking care of the direct needs of 280 children!!! It is heartbreaking, but also rewarding)
If I have your permission to use a photo I will sign your name under the picture and also provide a link on our site.
Hoping to hear from you.
Kind regards
Charissa Herbst
Chairman International Business for children
Zak23-Dec-2005 19:16
Nice galleries!
Joseph 20-Dec-2005 04:53
Dear Lorin,

We are "Photo Magazine" of Hong Kong. We currently interview some local & oversea photographers. So we write to invite you to be our featured photographer too.
We find your photography in the internet and we believe your experience is worth for sharing with our readers.

Please let us know if you are OK for the interview. It can be conducted through email.

Thanks and regards
Joseph Leung
Photo Magazine/ DC Photo Magazine
Tel: 2815 4284
Guest 15-Dec-2005 10:25
Your a great inspiration.Thank you for sharing your pictures.I will soon upload some too,maybe you can look at mine and tell me what you think by then.Merry Christmas to you and yours.Great work!
Gabriela 28-Nov-2005 16:59
Romania is my country too, even though I live far away from it now. Your images are wonderful and make me miss even more my native country. Let your every image be an ambassador for our country. Show the world who and what we are! Congratulations, Lorin!!! If you have this call of art, follow it in confidence!
Good luck!

Message in Romanian: ma bucur ca ai creat un loc, o adresa pe care sa o pot da prietenilor sa descopere Romania prin imagini. Multumesc!

Sathya Babu 28-Nov-2005 07:05
I was mesmerised looking at your site! Your art is a credit for fine art society, it changes the persecption of a photographer!
Great Job! Dont have much words to express. Do let me know about your future upddtes.

Visit my web too.

P.Sathya Babu
Eric Pouhier12-Nov-2005 08:31
Thanks you very much for your great comments about my gothic gallery, this is much appreciated with regards with your own talent. I have added you to my favorite artists and will be around in the future.
Best regards, ERic
Guest 31-Oct-2005 20:41
Thank you very much for your nice comment on my picture...enjoyed your galleries very much...
Guest 26-Oct-2005 10:33
Wonderful work! Bravo!!

lorin niculae21-Oct-2005 08:12
Hi Clement, I am happy you liked that icon and used it for your site. However, I have two observations:
1. the icon was not painted by me, but by my cousin Costel Gribincea, a theologist, as I stated in the gallery presentation. I am only the owner and the photographer. Anyhow, as icons are never signed, I think you should not mention any name, they belong to the universal culture more than to a certain a painter or a photographer; or if you want to gently provide the link to my gallery, as you did, you should write Photo by Lorin Niculae.
2.I would suggest you to try to use the entire icon and not only a crop; I think the dragon has its role in the iconography, talking about the victory of good against evil and faith against forces of darkness. But this is up to you, it's only my suggestion.
If you need the photo full size, for large prints or posters, give me your email address and I'll send it to you.
The site looks very good, congratulations!
Best regards,
Clement 21-Oct-2005 02:15
As a temporary placeholder until I have a chance to take a picture of one of the icons in our own church, I borrowed your picture of St George to use on the St George Cathedral web site. I realize now that I should have asked you prior to using it, and for that I apologize. It's mostly to show the parish council the concept of the final layout. It will only be temporary, although I will remove the picture immediately if you want me to. I really like your picture of that particular icon and think it looks beautiful; if you would grant me permission to keep it there long term I would love to use your art. Please let me know what you would like me to do, and thank you for sharing your wonderful photography. Once again, I am sorry for having used this prior to asking for your permission.

The parish web site is:

Thank you,
Peter 15-Oct-2005 17:56
Hi! I ocasionally found your site and I think it is very informative. I've found very much interesting stuff for me... Thanks for your site!
Vixi 15-Oct-2005 14:45
Wat een prachtige vernieuwde website. Heldere opzet en ook een goede kleurstelling. Mooi.
Mijn complimenten!

Met vriendelijke groeten
Guest 30-Sep-2005 20:45
Your way of seeing things is truly unique, and the resulting images are therefore very beautiful. I can't find a single image that I would classify as 'not beautiful'. Thanks a whole lot for sharing.
Thomas Hall27-Sep-2005 22:19
THanks for your comment. It's the light painting technique. The backdrop is sheer material with black behind it.

I used a normal flashlight with a cardboard snoot over the end.
Skyspaced10-Sep-2005 17:26
Loved your "Homage to Loie Fuller" and "About Light" galleries the most. Great B&W technique, and some interesting crops, too. I think dancing performance always offers great photographic opportunities. Visiting your pbase page has been a good experience - and thank you for your kind comments.

Keep up the good work.

Jola Dziubinska09-Sep-2005 09:49
Lorin, your galleries are wonderful. You are a very sensitive artist. You have a good eye on the world around.
Greetings from Poland.
Thanks for posting.
Donna Hollinger30-Aug-2005 04:24
Hi Lorin, thanks for your comment! The way I "swirled" the background colors in the Loosestrife photo was to use the "smudge" edit tool in photoshop...It has a finger as its icon. I go from dark to light (colors) and I try to be very there is no real pattern. I hope this helps.
Hodero19-Aug-2005 09:46
Great artistic photography here! greetings from Holland, "H"
Guest 04-Jul-2005 10:31
Bravo-You have a great eye..
many think they do-but don't. I think that you do have a great vision through your viewfinder..
Again bravo on the galleries..they are all very nice..but the moving bodies caught my eye and made me add you to my fav. list..
Peter Hollinger08-Jun-2005 01:09
Hi Lorin!
I've really enjoyed your Romanian views. Thanks for your comment on my Romania 2005 gallery . I'm still adding pictures to it, so check back when you have a chance. We had a lot of fun on that trip!
-- Peter
paul yung26-May-2005 00:39
We have an artist at work here. Congrats!
Donna Hollinger16-May-2005 16:53 was Probota. Thank you thank you thank you. Also for telling me that great story about St. Veronica and the veil. You are so good!
Donna Hollinger13-May-2005 19:40
Thank you Lorin,
For St John and your other comments...anytime you want to add more detail, especially to the icons (or anything else), I would love it! We had a wonderful sightseeing tour
of Romania from April 22-May 3 this year. It was fantastic. You have a very rich culture, and warm people. I see from your pictures that Romania has a lot more places to visit. Your icons are so cool!
Guest 13-May-2005 14:04
congratulations, your galleries are fantastic.

Guest 24-Apr-2005 10:43
A pleasure to view your galleries. Thanks for posting.
Gilles Navet06-Apr-2005 12:17
I feel a great, original and potential style in your work
Find your own way, this is the best i can say you
I will come to see your pad and hope you have pleasure to do it like me
Bravo encore mon ami et courage
Nunes BEIRAO - PHOTO31-Mar-2005 22:57
Hi Lorin,
Thanks for passing by my galleries, and for the gentle comments about my collection of the SINTRA village
Also had opportunity to admire most of your images, mainly those of Reflections (fabulous!!!) and your travels.
Hope, you have nothing to see, with a football player of "my" Club (Sporting de Lisboa), called Marius Niculae ;-))
Cheers from Portugal
Jeff Cochran12-Mar-2005 22:16
Wonderful galleries.
Johan Toll09-Mar-2005 10:06
Very nice shots you have! Thank you for your comments on my photos.

Adrian Calin16-Jan-2005 19:19
Frimpong is inviting you to see his vision of Bucharest, leave a comment, and perhaps a vote, at:
Richard Haas 30-Nov-2004 07:51
could you please contact me
thanks in advance