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Federico D'Incà | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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clickA SF19-Jan-2011 02:16
very impressive set of galleries . V
Guest 01-Jan-2011 17:48
thanks you and i like really your pictures
hanka 24-Nov-2009 14:21
hello everybody
africa17-Nov-2009 14:28
hola como estas bien
Geary B04-Jun-2009 20:08
Hi, thanks for visiting my gallery and thanks for your comment, it really means a lot comming from someone with your talent. You have some beautiful stuff here.
Tony Lin03-Jun-2009 06:29
Hi Federico. Thank you for your visit to my galleries. I just had a look through yours. Wonderful!! I particularly enjoyed your street portraits from around the world. Well done.
The Suburban Hippie 01-Jun-2009 03:51
Just too many great images to comment on! It would take me months!
Guest 22-Jan-2008 23:32
Bellissimo. I am speakless.
sheridan barnett 20-Jan-2008 02:28
Wow, your photographs are amazing! You have a real eye for photography, especially when it comes to capturing the people you encounter on your travels. Thanks for sharing them with us!
Guest 03-Nov-2007 20:30
Love your work and your site - very interesting viewing! Well done!
J. Hellmann03-Jun-2007 18:51
Hi Federico,
I like your galleries very much. Good work!!
Best wishes
Salah El-Sadek24-May-2007 23:42
Hey Federico,
I am revisiting again with joy and great admiration to your talent and shots, fantastic variety of subjects and moods, brilliat compo and captures.. keep uploading these beauties..
Vince17-May-2007 12:10
Hi Federico
Thank you for your visit to my gallery and also for your kind comment and vote. I've also seen your galleries and they are great.
Guest 14-May-2007 06:13
Really beautiful work. Very impressive, you have talent!
Guest 05-May-2007 07:26
You have visited some very interesting places. I enjoyed seeing some of them through your galleries. Thank you.
Guest 04-May-2007 07:28
Hi Federico
Very interesting gallery and you have a great travel shot/album. Great work and impressive photography skills you have. Thanks for sharing those experience and photos. I will come back to check out the rest of your gallery.

Salah El-Sadek11-Apr-2007 16:04
Hello Fredrico,
Your galleries took us to a very intresting trip for seeing the world through your eyes, I think it is a worthy rich trip full of great scenes and lovely spots.. well done and thanks for sharing..
Brett Hochkins08-Apr-2007 00:30
Hello Frederico nice to meet you from all the way over in Australia. Thank you for dropping by and for your kind message in my guest book. I also enjoyed browsing through your work too. There are some really nice images... Hope to see you around pbase. Brett
Alain-Philippe BAUDRY-KNOPS29-Mar-2007 12:44
Thanks Federico
I like you work also
Guest 28-Mar-2007 08:27
Dear Federico,
You have so beautifuly photos in yours portfolio...Excellent my friend...Greetings from Montenegro old/new country in Europa...I will come back with pleasure...I want you visit Montenegro...
Stan Pierce15-Feb-2007 16:18
Thank you for visiting my galleries. The photo of Yosemite (1971) is form a slide. After I scanned it I had to clean it up with Paint Shop Pro. Also, I must say that you have a great eye for capturing beauty. Keep up the good work.
Martha Albuquerque14-Feb-2007 10:16
Hello Federico!
Bravo for your great work! so many excellent collections. Love the way you SEE THINGS!
Thanks for your visit and nice words,
Guest 18-Jan-2007 14:24
Ben arrivato su pbase.
Avanti così!